Lately I am frustrated, feeling that I am the only one in my household who is physically doing anything besides fixing my own food for myself.
I admit my adult son will take out trash and recycling when I ask and wash his own dishes and do sweeping or vacuuming when and if I ask.
I know this sounds like a bi- session, but I am tired of lugging in groceries, cleaning the bathroom and cleaning in general. Maybe I am just moody today and should just meditate or do some yoga. It just seems no time sometimes even though I do not work outside the home.
This blogging is therapy for me. I get to vent about everything. Usually I try to be helpful to others like a psychologist without a license, a charlatan psychologist, lol. I am in one of those self-deprecating moods today.
I was searching yesterday for some song lyrics. I write really big in 20/20 pens the Commission for the Blind gave me, lyrics and notes. Then I have to memorize them by heart because I cannot read and sing, because my eyesight even with glasses is not good enough. I came across my notes from when I first started blogging, several months ago, when I was listening to a lot of Depak Chopra books on talking books for the blind. They have awesome digital machines and cartridges for the blind now. We used to have to fuddle around with tapes with odds and evens on one side or the other and braille which I know how to read by the way, and in the '60's my dad had them on records, but they switched to tapes in his lifetime. Now they put a book as long as The Stand by Stephen King, uncut, unedited, unabridged, sick version of forty-five hours on a cartridge the size of one cassette, and the machine really simple to operate. Anyway, my notes were so organized and numbered, like notes I actually took while listening to Chopra, like on the seven laws of child raising. Good stuff. I love him and Eckhart Tolle as well. I did not like Chopra's book on reinventing the body, because he had some attitudes and beliefs that seemed very elitist to me. Forgive me for sounding like Sarah Palin using that word, elitist. I can just hear her twangy mid-western accent, "we're just regular Americans, ya know? And, you bet ya, I'm not like these Washington elite. I'm just a 'hockey mom' and a 'Walmart mom'..."
No, what I thought was elitist was him saying that enlightened people go to new age holistic doctors, rather than regular western medicine. I actually went to an East Indian doctor today who practices western medicine, but aside from the point, Medicare and Medicaid do not pay for most new age holistic stuff, except that Medicare does cover chiropractic.
So, unless you have lots of money, some of us do not have a choice. But, I am a healer, a holistic health practitioner, have healing energy in my hands as a Reiki Master, so maybe that is inconsistent, but if someone was disabled or on Medicaid, I would probably not charge them, especially if they did not have a sugar daddy or mommy, lol.
I keep having to say lol, so you will not take me too seriously.
Well that is all I have to say for myself today I suppose. Love to all. Namaste.
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