If one cannot forgive, then one is not practicing the Course in Miracles. Of course ACIM is not for everyone. At my first attendance at Unity Church in 2009, many walked out. I did not see due to my tunnel vision, but a friend I was with told me.
I was thinking that if only I had had the course in the '90's, because the '90's and early 2000's were the worst period of my life, and then I remembered that in 1996, a difficult year for me, Return to Love by Marrianne Williamson based on the Course in Miracles, was the only book I owned, and I read that book often out in Boulder Colorado, where I was literally having the first nervous breakdown of my life. I read the words. I understood them, and yet they did not sink into my messed up mind, but to give myself some slack, I will say that I was not sleeping and my freshly divorced husband was living there in Breckenridge with my children and his girlfriend, my children being the reason for me being there at all, and here I was alone in a cooperative house alone with strangers who did not feel comfortable with me and a nice host who was a Meher Baba lover but was annoyed with me and my state of emotional disarray. Once things got so bad that my father showed up with his girlfriend, I think the severity of my state was inevitably established.
In the Course in Miracles, the miracle is when we change and find ourselves choosing peace. Yet, when our ego grabs hold of this it can be just another ego trip, but there is an observer in us which is not ego, the collective observer that knows this is all a projection and a movie.
note: in the above picture, left to right, myself, my sister Mimi and my father