Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Just Blogging for the Hell of It

    Remember the Desiderata?  When I was in high school my French teacher was that one teacher you could talk to.  And later it was my Choir teacher, but even more so it was my French teacher, because it was more one on one, and with my Choir teacher it was more like all of us hanging around talking to her during lunch period.
     All I remember of the Desiderata, which she bought for me in the coolest store in the mall that existed in 1977, when I bumped into her one day there when I was with my parents, but separated momentarily.
     It said, "go placidly...etc..."  that is all I remember, although I can google it.  I did put it on my wall in my bedroom, and I know it was good stuff, just cannot remember.  I will repost it.  But, now I feel like it's "go willy-nilly and whatever,"  because the direction is gone.
     Maybe it is more clear or less clear.  I do not know.  There are expressions from that time I miss like, "you do your thing and I'll do mine and if we meet that's beautiful, but..."
    Back in those days even though I was just a kid, I was always saying "such and such is beautiful", until this guy my age that I grew up with said, "flowers are beautiful... "  and so I stopped.  
     Then in the '80's it should have said, "go aggressively...", because it was always about affirmations and money love, prosperity consciousness even if you were flat broke and did not have two nickels to rub together.
     In the eighties, I wore hot pink high heal pumps and went on a business trip to Fort Lauderdale to a seminar about making money selling New Skin products for skin and hair,  stayed with millionaire gay guys, and traveled with a guy in his forties, really old to me then, who had aquariums for headboards.  Honest, I never slept with him.
     He was nice.  Took me to breakfast on the way back to Daytona.  I think he was impressed because my aunt was a psychiatrist in a high rise office building and had an indoor pool visible as soon as you came in the door.  I think he felt bad for me because my husband had run off on me, although we already had our first child.  Little did I know, we (my ex-husband and I), were not finished and had another child in the cards - together.
     Recently I went to dinner at friends' and they actually asked me to tell them my story.  I was amazed.  I blog because I have a lot to say but no one wants to hear me.  Thanks to all those who read my blog.  I love you, and I think we all have a lot to say.  That is what I like about fb.  At least we can express ourselves to a degree.

1 comment:

  1. Love to hear your stories Leslie, In the fall when we are back in Myrtle, you are invited to come over for dinner and share in person, if you are still in town...
