Some people, one I know in particular who I used to go out with, do not want to let you say anything. They just want you to listen to them. He was an extreme conservative, and I am a moderate liberal or what you might call a conservative Democrat, but I could not get a word in. Then he would make comments that I felt were racist, and I called him on it, which only further infuriated him, because he said he was not a racist, since he does not say epitaphs. Well, epitaphs are bad, but you do not have to say them to be a racist. I was sort of shocked though when he told me that his children who are German and live in Germany thought it was OK to use the "n" word because they heard it in school, and he told them not to. I thought Germans were really loving, liberal and progressive now after WWII. Maybe I was misinformed, but I do know that Germany and France were not in favor of Occupation Iraqi Freedom. In fact I do not think Tony Blaire was too keen on it for that matter. I think our former administration went against the United Nations on that one, I am afraid.
I voted for President Obama and will again, but I have some views that are slightly conservative, but not as conservative as say Sarah Palin who is a little over the top I think, not that she is a bad person, woman or mother. My hat is off to her for having a child with down syndrome. At least you can say she walks the walk.
A few months ago I got attacked on fb for saying a few pro-life comments. It was not that I was against choice or thought abortion should be illegal, it was just not liking the overuse of it, and especially the late ones are pretty horrible to even imagine. I actually think those should be illegal, because at a certain point a fetus can live outside the mother, and they are very violent and cruel I think to the unborn child. So, I think that is just wrong. I do not apologize for that. I was very respectful though, in what I said. I said that I believed in choice, that it was a personal matter, but that I myself was more pro-life in sentiment. Of course I do not think someone should have to have a child of rape or incest or if something was wrong with the child which would make what is called a 'wrongful birth' case like in Jodi Picouldt's novel, Handle With Care, the first book I read by her, and I think her best work, very sad like many of her books, but so well written with a unique style. I can recognize her style listening on talking books before even reading the author. Life of the mother is another exceptional case.
When I made a comment that had pro-life overtones, I was called all kinds of things, told I was for war..., that I was "one of those conservatives who believe in killing babies in the war." One person told me I should "adopt crack babies". Yes crack babies plural. First of all I would not be allowed to adopt, because I am legally blind, on disability, very poor, fifty years old, do not drive an automobile, and I have already raised kids alone for crying out loud. My kids are legally blind. Ted has a mental illness as well, the older one. I walk the walk too. Plus I am old enough to be a grandmother. Easily! Many women much younger than me are grandmothers. Geesh, give me a break!
And if I were a crack addict, I'd have my baby. Anyway off of this. I am just saying how mean people can be just because you happen to differ from their opinion. I do not say nasty things to them.
What is more important, God, love and peace or being right? I do not have to be right. Why can't people put spirituality before politics occasionally? Many people do, and I certainly am not generalizing because I really think most people are nice. Maybe even the ones who say some mean things are nice sometimes to somebody. I do not know. I am just saying that I am tolerant of what others think, so I think it would be nice if they would be tolerant of the way I do.
Please feel free to comment on by blog. I do not mind if you totally disagree with me, and you can even say why. My own mother disagrees with me I think, well maybe not about the partial birth abortion thing, but on abortion she is pretty liberal. So, as long as no one calls me names or says I should adopt crack babies, although I probably would if I could, I welcome comments, debate and even argument to a degree.
People make senseless suggestions all the time - there's always someone out there that has the right answer for everybody else. Were they speaking from experience in terms of adopting crack babies? Doubt it! Yes, tolerance is the key but most humans have to suffer a lot before they learn how to exercise it
ReplyDeleteThank you. That is a very good point.