Thursday, February 16, 2012

Why I Post So Much About My Novel: Author's Note, Forward and Introduction

     I have been trying to write a novel since I was in high school, not on the same subject, because my interests and the times and my maturity, sophistication and intellect keep growing although I did read some very sophisticated Art critiques I had written in college as assignments that my mother had taped into a sketch book from one of several drawing and painting classes I took.
      I finally feel that I have learned to write, although I know I still have a way to go.  A few years ago I wrote a novella  which I have the manuscript for, called The Farm about a young single mother who inherits a farm in South Carolina which comes with a bunch of horses, so I had to research horses for that one.  
     Although my brother and I took riding lessons from one of our school teachers growing up, I did not know much about them in general.
     A friend critiqued my novella, a writer herself and although she liked the detail I went into, to her my story made no sense.  She suggested I write more about my own experience.  She had liked a piece I had written about my solo trip to India in 1996 when I had enough eyesight.
     American Boys and forgive me if I sound like the guy in The Shining who types over and over about "all work and no play...Jack a dull boy", and his wife freaks out totally because he is supposed to be a writer, but he keeps writing the same sentence.  I had an ex-boyfriend who used to get me really upset or I let him rather, and I used to write these lists of things that were bothering me about the relationship, but he said it was always the same list as before and like it never had been, like The Shining, he had said.  Well enough silliness.  
     As I was saying this novel is so much about reality, recent U.S. history, me, my kids, my life, but the process is tiring.  I posted chapter 2, 3, 4, and 5.  I really like 5, Daniel and 4 may not be complete, but it really delves into the characters Daniel and his younger brother Nicolas.
     I think Lizzy, the mom, is kind of who I wish I could be in combination with who I am and have been, but I think all in all she is a better person, more capable, has a really good head on her shoulders and do not get me wrong, I have handled a lot and been a strong person and held down jobs, but I have also been a bit fragile and have had the eye problem, so I feel that Elizabeth, Lizzy, is more who I would have and would like to be.  I do not know.  I have been told I can be too introspective.
     So if you like read chapter 5 or 4.  They are among listed reading on this blog.  I will not post much more of it on fb, because my political opinions come out a bit and I may have lost some friends, because of my beliefs, but I still maintain that I am not apologetic for these stands I am taking about recent history about such thing as Iraq, which is finally over as promised in 2011 it would be.  
     For now I will not be working as much on my novel but my blog itself, finding inspiration to share and working on my music a little more, perhaps write some new songs, although recording is not in the cards right now.
     Namaste and love to all.

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