Saturday, February 25, 2012

In Question of Chopra's book, Ageless Body, Timeless Mind: Quantum

        I do not think it is fair for Depak Chopra to say that married people do not
age as much as single people because they are happier.  I do not think that is 
fair to the single people.  I agree that maybe married people are happier, but not necessarily.  Maybe if in a good marriage and never have cause for loneliness, but I think that is a bit general.  
     He says people with depression and heart disease age faster.  I have had both, but people often think I am a lot younger than I am.  Perhaps,  I am aging faster inside than outside.  Some of the things he says offend me, but I am trying to keep an open mind.  Like I agree with him that too much anxiety and stress can age you, because I know how much physical stress anxiety can have, that pain in the chest and sometimes stomach aches and headaches.  I have learned skills in lowering stress.
      I know that I have been known to have a temper in my life.  Knowing this, if I can remember it and be mindful, a Course in Miracles mantra will prevent me from getting mad, at least outwardly.
      Ironically, Depak Chopra is aging himself.  The talking books for the blind have braille and a turn around free matter for the blind mail card, but of course no pictures.  Recently a friend showed me a picture of him on a new age magazine.  I said, "he's aged!"
     I guess the pictures I have seen of him on bookstore print books are old pictures.  The book I am listening to is called Ageless Body, Timeless Mind:
     I admit he says a lot that makes sense, but some of it almost makes me have a resentment.  He is a doctor, I realize, but that does not make everything he says gospel.  According to him, if a person is inert in a hospital bed for a long time the body ages, because of muscle loss etc., but I think one can build oneself back up.  
      For one thing, I once became way too skinny and when I finally realized through counseling that this was not healthy and being caused by some need to control myself because I could not control anything else, through a change of thinking I was able to gain weight  and muscle tissue and become more fit than ever.  I ate healthy and exercised.
     I think the turning point for me was when Dr. Gibbs, who moved away, said to me about my skinniness, "you are not as beautiful as you used to be."  I did not take this as an insult, but rather something that touched my heart, because this was permission to eat.  This may sound insane, needing permission to eat, but I had been in an abusive relationship that distorted my thinking, my self image.  It was like in Sea Biscuit, when the millionaire, Jeff Bridges said to the jockey, "it's OK to eat."  Thus, he then was able to start to eat and gain weight.
      Perhaps I tell a bit to much about myself and my past and someone might think, what a screwed up person she must have been.  Well, they may be right, but if I was screwed up, it does not mean I am always screwed up.  Plus, who is not screwed up?  The most together seeming people have all kinds of neurosis and problems at various levels.  Some just hide it better.  There is a twelve step expression, "some are sicker than others," usually said in jest.
      The more I actually get into this book by Chopra, a lot of what he says is scientifically true and makes sense.  He also gives methods for relaxation.  He also talks a lot about free radicals and antioxidants.
     Meher Baba's, who passed away, dropped his body in 1969, 
birthday is today.  Happy Baba birthday everyone.  Much love.  Jai Baba.  Namaste.    

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