Friday, May 11, 2012

Not Alone

     There are times in everyone's life, when there seems like there is no light at the end of
the tunnel.  There is depression, anxiety and worry.  Meher Baba said, "don't be depressed
about your depression..."  There is much more to that quote, but it really makes sense. 
     Many times we worry about being depressed, like it might not be alright, that maybe something is really wrong.  We can feel fearful about it.  I think this is what Baba means.  Feelings are not facts.  If we can just be with what is and not resist, it would be a lot easier.  "Resistance is futile..."  Remember from Star Trek and the Borgue.
     There is an ebb and flow to life.  When one door closes, another opens.  When we lose a friend, we can make new ones.  People are fickle and the fickle friends who are fair
weather are not worth having.  Love is unconditional period, and no other love is real.  That is what I believe.
     So, next time you feel down, try to cheer up or cheer someone else up.  Call someone to see how they are.  Do something nice for someone.  It is OK to feel down.  No one is tip top condition all the time.  No one.  If you feel abandoned or unloved and alone, that is OK too.  It is a challenge to be alone, but it is also an accomplishment to be able to be alone and independent.  Some people never have that challenge and never find themselves truly, because they have to be an appendage.  Trust your gut most of all, because your decisions are for a reason.  They may feel bad and wrong, but you would not have made that decision if there were not a reason.  It is your reason and you know it.  Do not put yourself down.  Love yourself.  
     We are never alone.  We have ourselves and God.  Love is paramatma, infinite, beyond measure, and that love is within.  God is within and only within.

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