Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A. Lincoln and Other U.S. Presidents

     I am listening to one of A. Lincoln's biographies. 
I think if they were to make another film about him, Lium Neilson should play him. 
    Truthfully I got a bit bored and have taken a break to listen to Stephen King's autobiography, but I realize what an important president Lincoln was and how interesting, so intend to finish this book however long, twenty-five to go to be exact.
     President Obama said that he modeled himself after President Lincoln and President Reagan as well.  It is interesting how back one-hundred years ago the Republicans were the good guys, and the Democrats were the bad guys who wanted slavery.
    It is amazing how immoral some of our presidents have been, like Thomas Jefferson who wrote The Declaration of Independence,
they say sold his own daughters.  I am not totally sure this is true, but when I was nine and visiting my aunt in New York City, I overheard her and my uncle talking about this at the dinner table with their guests.  Well, if I was at the table I was not overhearing it, but of course what I mean is that I had nothing to contribute.  I just remember eating artichoke dipping it in lemon butter sauce, leaf by leaf, the way I make it now.
     Back to Lincoln, I find this tall man a very interesting person in history.  He would get very depressed in the early days and say that if it could go around to everyone, everyone would be sad, at least in so many words.
     Back to other presidents, I find it interesting that so many African Americans are named Washington, and I have never met a white person with that name.  That says a lot.  A close friend who is African American pointed out this to me, and Jefferson as well.
     Some people do not believe Lincoln really freed the slaves.  I used to be a history major a long time ago, and I am going to do the research and find out exactly what went on.  Of course this is all the past, but still interesting.  My brother told me that I look like Mary Lincoln, A. Lincoln's wife, so maybe I am the reincarnation.  Just kidding.

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