Monday, May 28, 2012

Being Sick is a Drag

     Being sick sucks.  It started out Saturday morning waking up with a sore throat that felt like two razor blades and a chainsaw splitting headache.  Thinking it must be strep due to the severity of the sore throat and headache, I took some penicillin which I proceeded to take diligently along with lots of nutrients and ibuprofen.
     However, by yesterday night around sundown, I no longer had a sore throat, but I had a congested nose and chest and no cold medicine whatsoever.  I felt like I was suffocating as I gasped and coughed.  I felt like what my son must experience with asthma and when he had whooping cough although I know he had a much more serious condition.  I called him and asked if he thought one of his asthma inhaler which were here might help.  He said I was welcome to them, but he did not think they were for my condition.  I did not.  By some miracle I fell asleep and slept off and on all night.
      I scrolled my cell phone in bed to see if there was anyone I could call to bring me something, but my ex boyfriend who is a close friend, even though still working has stage four cancer.  Of course I could not call him.  I was too shy to call my neighbor.  I figured "well if I am suffocating I can always call 911.  That is what the cell phone is for, emergencies mostly."
     My other son is coming home today and I am glad.  Still, I think I will go get some cold medicine and I will not take anymore antibiotics because this is obviously not strep but a bad chest cold.

1 comment:

  1. Poor thing. Tuck yourself up. Trust the body to heal. Antibiotics compromise our immune response - the name means anti-life - and while they are excellent in life and death situations they do more harm than good otherwise. Illness reminds us of how wonderful our body is.
