I just finished watching, well a while ago,
Bag of Bones. I actually read the novel on talking books for the blind twice. Again Stephen King's theme was grief, but there was a happy ending alas. And yes I watched a funny movie from the '70's called House, a dark comedy, comedy in the guise of horror, and as a good friend suggested I found something to make me laugh since I am sick, and this certainly did. First of all all the women (two to be accurate looked like Farah Faucett), although I admit I wore my hair like that then too, only I was a brunette. This is post my profile picture, which was an outgrowing shag. I had not yet gone to college to learn to set my hair like Jacklyn Smith. Of course I learned more than that, but 'primping 101' was a big part of college for me. How to pluck your eyebrows, how to curl your hair, how to apply make-up and what color goes with what. Well with RP it is too bad that color coordinator the C. f. B. gave me is broken and only says "white" since I cannot tell purple from brown, brown from black, navy from black or gray from any shade of light blue or light green, cool colors. Thank God for those sock sorters on
the socks in my drawer.
The funny part was the guy in House looked like a Baba person and how they made a comedy of Vietnam flashbacks I have no idea. Sorry if that was in bad taste.
So, I have concurred that Stephen King's novels are about grief and sometimes happy endings like in Bag of Bones. I feel like King is a kindred spirit.
This is one time I will say that I enjoyed the movie more than the book.
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