The latest talk is about Mit Romney saying he knows what women want or need from his wife Ann. I like the fact that President Obama said the spouses of candidates are off limits. He has always had that stand.
I can see though why since Ann Romney has as they say never worked in her life and cannot relate to a poor single mother trying to manage daycare, bills, etc., that some people were a bit put off.
Still, I think the news is making a big to do about this, like they make a big to do about everything.
Being blind, I take state transportation to doctor appointments and get to hear from young single mothers what it is like for them now. Recently I was riding the van, and a pretty young woman with a child with a disability was riding and talking about not only her personal problems to the driver but problems about work (she was not the one on disability but her son). Every time I made a comment, she said, "yes Mam". And every time the driver commented, she said "yes Sir." That is the way of the south. I do the same thing in certain circumstances. I think it is nice. When you are up north, they do not care for it.
Last night on the Rachel Maddow show, she was talking about how many states are doing away with the death penalty, like other countries in the free trade world other than China and Iran.
The governor of Connecticut was
interviewed about it because they just did away with the death penalty.
I think America is an enlightened nation and that the citizens are what truly make it great. I believe in a very positive light that American collective consciousness is growing higher and more spiritual. I realize that the death penalty has been said to give closure to family, but maybe they can still get closure. Really bad criminals will still have much more severe punishment.
I think it would be more civilized as a nation if we did not have the death penalty. Some states still use the electric chair. My son said we still have one in this state but do not use it. I said "where do you get your information?" I was being flippant. Twenty-two year old's know everything (they think they do). I admit he is very bright though.
Well now that I have blogged on the news, have a great day!
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