Tuesday, January 24, 2012

We All Have Different Paths to Follow

     No one knows how anyone else feels
unless they have experienced the same thing.
That includes me not understanding the suffering
of others physical or mental unless I have 
been in their shoes.
     Some people are married, some single, some
wild and free spirited, some quiet.  Some people
want to be parents or are parents.  Some do
not want to be parents.  In this life my sanscaras
lead me to being a parent and perhaps a maternal
     We all have different faiths, belief systems
and values, though sometimes it may seem as
if one does not respect another.  Philosophically
there is no right answer.  In quantum physics
there is no right answer or even proof that I
am writing this article or that I have a coffee
table near my couch.
     If I tell you I have a bar of soap, toothbrush
and a towel in my bathroom,  there is no way
of knowing if this is in fact true.  I suppose you
could go in my bathroom to see if I have soap,
a toothbrush, and a towel in my bathroom.  That would be proof, but without proof it is only a
     Objects are just forms of light.  How can
I prove I have a coffee table?  I can feel it, put 
my hand on it, feel the texture.  I can look at
it.  Still it is but a part of the unproven world
of forms.  
     So, this being said, if I were to tell you how
I feel, how could that be understood and how 
can I understand what someone tells me they
      It would be a simpler and easier world if
everyone had the same value system and opinions,
although I think it would be boring.
     Sometimes I just listen without saying my
own opinion just to keep things easy.  I do not
think that people want me to disagree with 
them.  Therefore, my problem is being afraid to
be myself and say what I think and when I do,
I feel like I offend others for being who I am. So, I find that from all this we all have different paths to follow. The choice is how to go about respecting that. Where do you draw boundaries? Where do others draw their own? How can this be harmonious?

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