Sunday, January 15, 2012

On the Lighter Side

     Since my most recent articles have been 
very serious and intense, I would like to write
a light article to balance it a bit.  I was torn
between online shopping, housework, making
a 'good vibe' in your home, a 'groovy vibe' I 
might say humorously or how to stay sane 
through what seems like calamity.
     I decided on staying sane in calamity because
that includes the former topics.  Why?  1) if you
are not able to drive for any reason like myself
due to RP, you may have to make some major
decisions in terms of online shopping, 2) how 
neat and organized one's home is makes a 
difference.  Again being visually impaired
makes this a must for me, because I need to
know where everything is.  3) It is important
to be able to relax in one's own home, regardless
of any circumstances unavoidable.  
      Sage, the herb, in the form of a smudge stick
adapted from the Native American tradition
of burning sage to drive out evil spirits, bad vibes
in laymen's terms, is available in many health
food stores, head shops and pow-wows.  
     A small stick is enough.  It lasts a long time,
but be careful putting it out, not to cause a
fire.  Let its smoke burn in every corner, closets,
the bathroom, etc..  It smells bad to some and
great to others, a subjective experience.  I
am one of those who like the smell, but my
nickname being 'Sage', that would be natural 
of course.  
     Another great idea is to keep one's house
or apartment or trailer uncluttered.  This is hard
if you live in a small place, but if you can get 
rid of as much junk as possible without remorse,
it may be possible to leave some clear surfaces
to place a shrine with anything you hold dear,
such as a photo of someone you love, a guru,
a religious symbol, Christian, a rosary, Hindu, Mastery
in Servitude, etc..  along with a nice candle
and yes candles have different qualities.  Some-
times cheap candles are really inferior to more
expensive candles, but if you can only afford
dollar store candles like me, that will do.  I
have received better candles as gifts and there
is a huge difference, but nonetheless I 
also have cheap candles.  If you have pets it
helps to make the air smell better, especially
if you are like me and cannot burn incense due
to chronic eye infections in my case.  A beautiful
piece of fabric or scarf thrown over your shrine
makes it all the nicer.
    Now, for my favorite subject, online shopping.
Just before Christmas I ordered a folding futon
mattress for when one of my sons is visiting.
I am a strong believer in super-saver shipping, 
shopping on safe sights with good strong reputations
and read the reviews.  They really help and
are for the most part accurate.
     As far as buying clothing, I am hesitant 
to buy pants unless they are just yoga pants
or leggings and I have found with my older 
son buying shoes on line, that he usually has
to send them back for a refund or exchange.
      So, I suppose that is all for today.  Much 
love to all.

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