Saturday, January 14, 2012

Truly Poor, a Little Irony

     Jesus said "a rich man has as much chance
of getting into heaven as a camel through the
eye of a needle."  I have no idea if this is true
or accurate, but I find it so ironic how some Baba
followers say 'celebrate poverty, be truly poor', etc..
Mostly I find the Baba lovers with the most
money saying this.
     They say these little slogans to others, people
and yet they go to India at the drop of the hat, have as
many children as they want, live where they 
want, in what kind of house they want, while people
in China are only allowed one child by their 
government and even in the United States
poor people, mostly black have been sterilized not
knowing what they or their parents were signing.
I am not talking about the mentally challenged but
perfectly intelligent young women who were 
raped and had a baby at a too young age and 
their guardian could not read, just told to sign
a form.
     The injustices in the world go on and on
and not many can do much about it, those of us
not in political positions, but some things are 
just downright wrong.
     So next time you hear a Baba lover say something
about 'truly poor, ...', remember my words, unless
he or she truly is 'truly poor', they should shut
their mouth, and have a 'wake up call'.  They 
know nothing of poverty, so unless you have
ever walked the walk, please do not say these
clever sayings.

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