I realize my opinions are unpopular among my peers. Very few people like what I have to say in terms of the people I happen to know. I am not strictly conservative nor fiscally conservative, but I do have some conservative views. Some 'friends' are very intolerant of anything I have to say and try to insist that I believe what they do.
I am not going to reinstate what I have already said I am conservative about. I have already been scorned for my unpopular beliefs which are not inbred in me, but have come about through my own experience of life as I see it.
Why are people so hateful if you believe in the right to life? Why are they so hateful that you believe that the second amendment should not be altered? Why do people assume you are a racist if you have conservative views? I used to be like them. I used to think anyone not voting for Obama was a racist. I even canvased for him, but do I think he is a good president? No, not really.
I saw a post about how conservatives are racist. I used to think that too, but it is pardon the expression, bullshit. Adolf Hitler was liberal, a socialist. Many liberals are extremely antisemitic, although the new Jewish mayor of Frankfurt, Germany is a Social Democrat, a very liberal party, but it is different in Europe. America is not Europe. If the settlers who came after the Native Americans were already here, wanted America to be Europe, they would have stayed in Europe.
I was very happy that Frankfurt elected the first Jewish mayor since 1939 and the holocaust.
I was very touched when President Obama was elected. I cried along with Oprah and Jesse Jackson. I still think it is a good thing, and I hope we have more diversity in our presidents from now on.
It breaks my heart that people are angry when I say I do not like or believe in abortion. It confuses me when they get angry about my believing that people should be allowed to have a legal registered gun if they are sane and want one for protection.
I am sad that while everyone jumps all over me for not conforming to their liberal Democrat agenda, few will pay attention to my save the wildlife agenda.
It is almost as if I am on a planet where I do not belong, because so few people agree with me. I almost feel like I need to go on a space ship looking for another planet.
Then I get attacked about my eyesight. Someone said, "why do you even engage in dialogue if you can only read a line or two?"
First of all I never engaged in several long paragraphs. I let other people engage with one another. I read what I could, and I got the basis of their argument. It is mostly redundant rhetoric. I do not think they really listened to my Charlie Daniels interview. That is another thing I am sick of is people equating southern with redneck. I grew up in the south, so am I a redneck? Please. I beg of you, once and for all, have an open mind and stop pigeon holing.
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