Wednesday, August 22, 2012

This Article is a Bit Radical; How I Compare the R/R Plan to Naziism

     I realize I am not keeping my promise to stay out of politics.  I was not going to watch the news, but sometimes nothing else is very interesting on television or computer even.
     I realize many people are unemployed and disillusioned with the current administration.  However, President Obama is really not entirely to blame.  He inherited a huge national debt, as well as two wars, one of which he withdrew the troops although that was the plan, and is withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.  We cannot police the world any more.  Yes we need a strong military, and although I am pro-Israel, Iran really is not a threat to us or Israel.  From what I understand, a lot of this is propaganda.
     The Romney Ryan plan would mean genocide to the poor, elderly, children and disabled.  It would mean profit to the rich.  A huge part of middle to upper middle class tax money would go to the rich.  They are only for the rich.  There is not one humane thing in their agenda. 
     Perhaps some think that if they were God forbid, elected, then the job market would improve.  This is where I compare them to nazis.  First of all they are not talking about making jobs.  However Hitler used a notorious filmmaker to make a propaganda film against the Jews to make them think that the Jews were taking every job, and were basically horrible people.  I have studied the history of pre-Nazi Germany, and the number of Jews holding positions such as doctors and lawyers, etc was staggeringly low.  They did have some businesses, and in 1939 they had a Jewish mayor in Frankfurt, and now they have the first Jewish mayor since then.
     I think this Paul Ryan guy is like Adolf Hitler, except instead of exterminating Jews, he wants to exterminate the poor through deprivation of life sustaining medication, lack of prenatal care to poor women, lack of neonatal care to their babies, lack of care for poor children, lack of care for the disabled in terms of medical transportation and some life sustaining medication as well as hospitals doctor, etc, as well as loss of health care for the elderly who most need it through the loss of Medicaid and the privatization of Medicare.  He was trying to fool Florida by bringing his mother along to say that she is on Medicare.  There are other seniors on Medicaid as well and who have serious health issues.  Here in the south where I live, there is a high rate of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, blindness due to complications of poverty such as diabetic retinopathy and untreated glaucoma.  I live in a conservative state, but Medicaid still helps many poor people in South Carolina, because we have a high rate of poverty.  I have ridden the Medicaid transportation for years, because I am legally blind, for doctor appointment, and have ridden with very disabled and poor people, who would otherwise have no way to get to the doctor.  There is also mental illness, which is debilitating to many people in this country.
     Already many people with schizoprhrenia live on the street and are homeless.  It is nearly impossible to work with this illness, having someone close to me who suffers from it.  This illness comes on in the late teens to late twenties when a person has little to no work history and can only qualify for SSI and Medicaid.  In order for a person with schizophrenia to function, they must have regular anti-psychotic oral medication or injections.  This enables them to live with family, in a group home or rarely but sometimes independently and stay out of hospitals, jails, the street and institutions, and also enables them to possibly hold down a small job for wages or voluntary basis if high functioning.  What would happen to these people?  As a person who loves someone with this illness, I know much about it and am aligned with NAMI.  Still there is very little support in the world.  How can they pull the rug out from under them?
     Under the Romney Ryan plan there would be nothing for these people.  Although I have said that I am pro-life, I think it is inhumane to force a woman who is the victim of rape and or incest to give birth.  Ryan wants people who have abortions to go to jail.  Even Sarah Palin did not want that to happen.  I saw an interview with her with Katie Kurik when she was running with McCain.  If they do not want any health care for poor women and their infants, then they are forcing them to give birth so that both mothers and infants can die suffering.
     You may think that I am really dramatic, but I am just passionately offended by what they are trying to do, not for myself, but for many many others who will suffer and die from this.  Also, many poor people with cancer are on Medicare and or Medicaid, without Medicaid many of them will die, and hospitals take Medicaid now.  What happens if there is no Medicaid for the poor and sick and old, young or disabled?  Misery, sickness, suffering and death.


  1. Leslie you explain the position very well.. I hear no hysterics or hyperbole in your writing. But I am suspicious of the Ryan Voucher Plan and the intentions to eliminate Medicaid. It is a hard position taken to please the Tea Party (corporations) and one that would not materialize if Obama becomes unseated. Both parties use scare tactica and it's tedious to those who have critical thinking skills in this country, which is like the minority. What people don't understand is that if they remove social services there will be chaos.. So unless the hard liners are prepared to turn US troops against its citizens, I doubt much will change.. If the US wants a new revolution, they will get one, and it won't be the anarchists in the country who start it, but it will be the anarchists who finish it.

  2. Thank you. That is encouraging, and I never thought of it that way, but it certainly makes sense.
