Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Scandal in South Carolina

     As I said on fb, I have been reading Staying True by Jenny Sanford, wife of Mark Sanford, the former governor of South Carolina, who had a mistress in Argentina, and said on public TV that the girlfriend was his "soul mate."  For crying out loud. 
     Jenny Sanford left with their four sons, which I admire, rather than the old stand by your man thing some political wives do.  I can understand with Elizabeth Edwards though.  It would be hard to leave your husband when you have four young children and stage four breast cancer which Elizabeth had.  Still, I thought Jenny was cool for leaving.  I realize she is an heiress and an educated former investment banker, so she has some advantages, was part of the New York City scene at one time even.  Some people think she left because it came out, but she says she had already asked him to leave for a while, like a temporary separation, in hopes that they could reconcile and be a family again.
     Although I do not believe in the Republican philosophy of no spending, not taxing the rich enough, etc., I will say as I always do I have conservative views about the right to life and the right to bare arms.
      Also it is a myth what some Democrats believe, that the Republicans do not believe in a safety net for the elderly, poor, children and disabled.  Under Mark Sanford, the South Carolina Commission for the Blind, which I, my father and one of my sons all attended for blind skills, was remodeled and funded well.  It is a governor's job in part whether or not to veto spending of any kind.  I realize the Senate and Congress of that state play a role as well, but governors have a lot of power.  Now under the extremely fiscally conservative governor, Haley, blind people cannot even get their glasses payed for, so I thought Sanford was OK as a governor.  Before him, we had a Democrat, Riley.
      I like stories about independent women, women who stand strong and do not put up with infidelity and abuse of any kind.  I saw a movie on the Lifetime channel last night about a woman, a true story, who fled with her seven year old daughter like fugitives, because the daughter was being sexually abused by the father, who had accused the mother of kidnapping.
     I may not have been the best mother in the world, but I never left my children unattended.  Whether I was miserable or happy, I dragged my kids along, whether on a long trip or just across town.  I never left my kids alone at night when they were little, ever.
     I saw Jenny Sanford on a TV interview once and thought she was very attractive.  I cannot believe Mark Sanford was with his mistress on Father's Day of all days.  I remember, because no one could find him.  Also, what kind of father is with his mistress and not his sons on Father's Day, for Pete's sake?  Jeesh!  You are supposed to know where the governor is.  That would be like no one on earth knowing where President Obama is, not even Joe Biden.  Our vice-governor did not even know where he was.  Then on June 24, 2009, he did that press conference on national television talking about "crying in Argentina and my soul mate."  How messed up!  I cannot imagine being that publicly humiliated by my husband.  I would have left too!
     In the Course in Miracles, I try to see 
things differently, but I hate the way some husbands cheat, but I suppose women can cheat too.  It is just that I never cheated on my ex-husband.  
     Oh I forgot to mention, they said "he was said to be hiking on the Appalachian Trail."
As soon as I heard that, I knew he was having an affair, before it ever came out, so I was not that surprised.

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