As a Reiki Master, I do energy healing and chakra work. I also do yoga for exercise and relaxation and meditation for inner healing, calming the mind, enabling me to live better on life's terms and giving me the ability to better be with my feelings and what is. Acceptance is the key.
One can sit in lotus or Indian style position with hands outstretched and eyes closed inhaling through the nostrils in and out slowly.
Visualize the root chakra at the base of the perineum, strengthening the point of groundedness. The color is red or black.
Imagine a string of purple thread leading up through the second chakra below the navel, the sacral chakra, color orange. Healing this chakra and opening it enables creativity and sexuality to be able to express themselves. Just breath into this chakra and on up through the string to the solar plexus.
This chakra is for energy and digestion. The color is yellow. When someone attacks me, I feel it here, like the wind knocked out. Breath into this third chakra with light and healing energy in every single breath.
Continue opening and renewing each chakra as they come together into harmony and unison at once. The string continues up into the heart chakra, of which healing pertains to broken heartedness, grief, love, compassion, color green. Open up the chest wide, breathing into the lungs near to the heart, imagining every single breath healing your heart, opening your heart to love yourself and others, even those less likely, to feel compassion. Heal yourself first to heal others. Let all the threads that bind this chakra into despair come undone and untangled, clearing this space.
Now you continue with your eyes softly closed to the fifth chakra, the throat chakra, blue. Open the throat, repeating aloud yum several times fast, arching the head and neck to open the throat which governs communication as well as singing. Heal this chakra so that you may have a voice to express yourself, to assert yourself and to express love and ideas and truths that are important, not stifling these.
As you continue breathing through the nose, progress upward, the purple thread leading to the forehead or third eye chakra, the sixth chakra, color indigo or violet-purple. Look upward towards the third eye with eyes closed. Here as this chakra opens, you may find great insight and even more knowledge than you ever expected. If only beginning to meditate, do not expect anything. Never have expectations, only be with what is and what you see, paying no mind to it. There is no need for worry or fear, only healing of insight, opening any blockage that would block clarity. True sight is not physical sight. One can live without physical eyes to see, but the third eye sees truth.
Now, continue your meditation up to the crown chakra, the top of the head, the halo, the seventh and highest chakra, not to be misconstrued as the seventh plane of consciousness, but the highest chakra. This opening and healing of the seventh chakra or crown chakra will bring holiness, spirituality, greater compassion, the color white or gold, maybe even both at once. You may even see these colors.
Eventually you may want to come back to your gross or physical rather than subtle body and breath deeply, bowing to honor the light that is within you and in others then outwardly, hands in namaste position. Namaste, bhaghwan.
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