I understand how people think. I have two sons, six and a half years apart, but you have to look at the facts.
A little boy was killed, only eight. His six year old sister lost a leg. Two very young, beautiful women were killed, and over one-hundred people injured, many of which lost their legs, due to the nature of the explosions. It was a 'war zone' caused by terrorism, which rightly we have zero tolerance for. It was Patriot's Day, the Boston Marathon, a day that should have been happy and peaceful, had these young men not done this horrific act. I like what Obama said. "We will find you..." I do not want to see one more unpatriotic thing on facebook. I may be judging from my ego mind, but I am really disturbed, as well one should be. I think everyone is, but some people are for some reason, thinking sympathetically towards these guys, which makes no sense at all to me. They hated the U.S. government. Perhaps, and likely, the younger was influenced by his brother, but there is no excuse, not in any way, shape or form. They were educated young men, and there was no excuse on any level, period.
(Actually, there is now breaking news that the FBI may have had some warning, so that is disappointing. I will have to listen for more news on this. It was the older brother, and he was questioned, but they let him out of their sight, so they may have been negligent. This is a little disappointing, being fond of the FBI, but the FBI claims they found no evidence, and therefore closed the file. Russia had warned them of the radical extremism.)
It is unfortunate, because like Obama said, no ethnic or religious group should become a target now, because of this, but to some people, bigotry may now be formed for the ethnicity of the killers, or religion rather. That would be unfortunate for others.
I wish the kaliuga would end, and all these violent events would stop. I hope that our prayers and good thoughts, light, good energy, and hope will help the surviving victims, and will help to shed light their way, but there will be years of healing to come from this horrific atrocity. All we can do from here is pray.
While it was a victory for Boston, Massachusetts, and The United States, and the police and FBI were amazing, as well as the citizens who cooperated with law enforcement, and courageously helped the victims of the bombings, there is still such a sense of loss for so many people, and indescribably sad. There must be a way to stop terrorism in the future. I will pray for my country, our country, that we Americans are fortunate to be citizens of, and ask God for His love, light and healing for Boston and the victims of this terrible tragedy.
My mother is from Boston, and we used to visit my grandparents there, in my childhood and adolescence, and like Obama, my mother went to Harvard, so I know Boston, and have fond memories of it.
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