Saturday, July 14, 2012

More on American Politics

     My main concern with Mitt Romney is that the Republicans may want to privatize Social Security on Wall Street.  I also think Romney is evading the money issue.
     He also has been unclear on policy.  On the other hand President Obama has not improved matters for African Americans which is disappointing and while Obamacare may or may not work, some find it an infringement on civil liberty.
     I am not going to tell who I am going to vote for even when I decide.  I do think the privatizing of Social Security would be bad, and Romney seems evasive.  I think it would be interesting if he chooses Condalisa Rice as a running mate.  I always think politics is more interesting with women involved.  I thought the Republican primaries would have been more interesting had Michele Bachmann not dropped out.  I kind of liked her.  I thought she was intelligent and very articulate.  I despised Palin, but I dare say she made things interesting, well scary I might say.  Just things like her not knowing Africa was not a country but a continent, and "I can see Russia from my house."  Also I am pro-life and even I thought the 'even in rape and incest' clause was insensitive and the women having to pay for rape kits was weird.  I mean even Bush and McCain were not that fanatical. 
      But, that is neither here nor there and I keep promising myself I will get out of politics but the news is just too entertaining.
      Like I have said before for poor people it does not make much difference.  Many liberals talk about the poor from their ivory towers but do not even know or are not in touch with the poor.
     I go back and forth.  Sometimes, I can even see where the tea 'partyers' are coming from, but sometimes I can see why President Obama might be a safer choice on the other hand.  
     As far as war, the only one for peace was Ron Paul, the conservative Libertarian who is no longer in.
     I thought it was great that the tea party in my home town gave Democratic candidate for congress Diggs a good response.  But, he is a true leader and an important man.

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