Thursday, August 29, 2013

Memory of Sight

  As my eyes worsen and worsen, I have outstanding memories of sight.  One such memory is one of those 'American Boys,' if you will, memories, yes like my book.
     We were outside in the moonlight, and now I am lucky to see the moon, cannot see stars at all ever, no matter how I try.
     My son and his friends stood in the night, out in the front yard, in front of that boat we used to have, that his dad gave him.
     They looked like a rock band, and they were, or he was...  But, they stood in their youth, ruggedness, serious becoming men stance.  I'll never forget the image as long as I live.
     It is like the memory of your child's face, sad and forlorn, the memory of your mother smiling at you, as you walked in the door, not knowing, her not knowing.
     It is like the memory of your cat, when he lifted his head for the last time.  It is like the time when I met my husband, and we drank a beer and smoked a cigarette at some apartment somewhere.
     It is like all the things I block from my mind, and all the things I cling to.  My life is a journey and the blindness just another part of it.  Perhaps in this darkness, I am losing nothing, and yet I think I am.
     I think about the dog I had, the time I road horses, a day at the beach, the time we climbed Mount Washington.
     And, again the night they stood outside, under the moon, in front of the boat.  I see it there in black and white.

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