Thursday, August 22, 2013

Looking Back on Writing My Novel and Why: American Boys

I was inspired to write my book by my children, their lives, their hardships and struggles, my own struggles, and my children's friends as well.
     I think many people, especially those who either have money or do not have children, miss a lot of what the world is about.
     My novel incorporates bits of my life, my children's life, the war in Iraq, friends of my children and their lives, and the problems of American society, class wars, the working class lifestyle, which we lived in, and still do, as compared to a life of privilege.
     My entire novel is published on my new humanity blog, starting in January of 2012, and the epilogue written in May of '13.  So, it took about a year and a half to write.  The characters, for the most part, are based on true people, but not in any exactness, but similar.
     I hope one day this will be a classic, a block buster.  I think it is a very powerful book, and more honest than most, based on lives that have witnessed the real world, not hidden from the real world.

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