Now that I finished my novel, American Boys, I thought I should write, German Roaches, although I am not sure whether it would be a statement about economic status in a Tolstoy type style, or Dickens even, or should it be more of a sci-fie, horror, thriller, about mutating roaches, that can survive three minutes of microwaving, commercial extermination, twice, several bombings, excessive cleanliness, combat, roach motel, baking in the traditional oven, refrigeration, freezing, etc.?
I say this lightly, but it seems they have mutated. Fortunately, they do not like the bedrooms, because bedrooms have no crumbs or water, but as long as there is a tiny crumb, you will probably have a roach, or a tiny grease spot from cooking. I think they can even survive being washed down the drain, almost.
Well, as I said I can make a novel about great poverty conditions and hardship, or of course the sick psycho thriller about the mutant roaches. I just want you to know that when I bought this place, they were a hundred times worse, and I bought it from a judge, who said he was going to exterminate, but he either did not, or he could not do it successfully. I had some helpers for the day before I moved in, and one of the things they did was spray. The point is, they are not as bad as they were when I bought the place, by far, but they are not gone. I am afraid to spill one crumb around here, and that is not easy when you are visually impaired. Where did that chereo go anyway? If the roaches find it before I do, they will have a hay day. Some crazy, uninformed social worker, might want to take children out of homes, because of roaches, so they can put them in foster homes with human roaches. No, that is not true. Only amateur 'wanna be social workers,' would have such an idea as that.
They (organic type people) say we live in too sterile a world, which causes stuff like Epstein-Bar and chronic fatigue syndrome, with a propensity for lyme disease as well, of course. Just kidding. But, did you ever see that episode of Seinfeld? Elaine is talking about this friend with lyme disease, and Jerry says, "I thought she had Epstein-Bar."
Elaine says, "Oh yeah, she does, but she has lyme disease, as well." But, truthfully, Epstein-Bar is called 'the yuppie disease,' for that very reason, too clean an environment, and believe me, I like clean. I was brought up that way, myself.
I am going to find a way to kill the suckers, somehow, some way, someday, roaches that is. Got that, computer robots? Roaches, okay?
I posted a picture of one of my cats that passed away, but cats do not help, nor do dogs. They just live in peace and harmony with German roaches, like they were other pets. I guess they are not as bad as mice, rats or reptiles, and they are not poisonous, and they do not eat your house, but they are a pain.
Bay leaves do not work. Salt does not work. Home defense does not work. Raid does not work. They say if the world were to have a nuclear holocaust, the roaches would survive. If they can survive three minutes of microwaving, and being frozen, I believe it. After all, they have an exoskeleton, as we learned in Biology.
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