The truth is that the world is being turned inside out and upside down, and everything is changing at a fast rate. I don't know if 'Jupiter aligns with Mars... the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius...', but I do know of so many great philosophers of our time, and it did not just start with the new age movement.
Just look at Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, or before that Helen Keller, and now more people than just Meher Baba, are amazing teachers, Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Guru Maiy, Helen and Bill who wrote A Course in Miracles, Alcoholics Anonymous, written by Bill W., Dr. Bob Silkworth, the other Dr. Bob, and the tellers of their own stories, etc.. And, ACIM includes great influences, not avatars like Baba, Jesus or Krishna, but great none the less in their elevating consciousness influence, Marianne Williamson, Wayne Dyer, Ken Wapnick, Neil Donald Walcsh, to name just a few, although N.D.W., author of Conversations With God, Happier than God, and many other famous books, mentions ACIM, but is not officially A Course in Miracles based author, philosopher and teacher.
Of course we can go back to the eighties, to Louise Haye, Money Love, iridology and so forth, but truthfully I find rebirthing and a lot of that eighties stuff, to be behind the times and almost funny now. When people bring that stuff up, like they just heard about it, I say, "how eighties," sardonically, but I suppose when I talk about Marianne Williamson, some people think, "how nineties." The thing is, (1. she is still popular and right on, and (2. I was not well enough emotionally, during parts of the nineties, when I carried her book, but could not absorb anything. It was enough to cope with a divorce, losing my home, unsuccessfully trying to relocate to Boulder, Colorado, losing my father, a horrific boyfriend that I, thank Providence, got rid of, finally, taking care of my kids as best I could, and going to work every day, as well as getting my kids to school and going back to school at the end of the decade, myself, not to mention my turn of the millennium, relationship drama.
So, I guess what I am saying is, as much as I love and respect Baba and His teachings, sometimes I wish His followers, (and I do not mean all of them) would be interested in more things, but I realize from being in Baba my whole life, that He wants complete focus, I suppose, and I have deviated in my own path, but I feel there are as many paths to God as there are people, and people focused solely on Meher Baba, as I used to be, are on a path, but no greater than mine, nor visa verse. I know this sounds like judgment, but I do not mean it that way. I just mean that there is so much out there. It is a feast, a love feast, available to the taking. If Meher Baba is who He says He is, then perhaps He is the culprit. I do not know. I only know that God is in our midst, no middle man or woman necessary, just God. And, I think the expression, biblical though it may be, 'a jealous God,' is kind of weird, because 'I know people who have overcome jealousy,' like that comedian said, John Stewart, I think. Lots of laughs. I like to bring humor into it. Namaste. Shanti.
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