On the news last night, they were talking about this new policy, which might take effect, where people on food stamps could no longer buy such foods as potato chips and candy, etc., things which are so called, bad for you or just fattening I suppose.
I had more than one feeling about it. I suppose there are two or three reasons why they might do this, but first I will tell you what I believe to be the cons. Feel free at the end of my blog, at the bottom, or on facebook, to state your own opinions.
These are reasons why I think this might not be a good idea, having been a single parent, and having had food stamps, or food benefits, which is actually on a card now, not actual stamps, at various hard times: 1) there are already restrictions on what can be bought with food stamps, such as you cannot buy alcohol, cigarettes, paper products, shampoo, and anything inedible, but also not hot prepared food in the grocery store, such as a rotisserie chicken, unless cold, or anything hot from the deli, and energy drinks, other than coffee, such as ginseng, etc., 2) this may be too much government control of private lives, although I know that the first lady, Michelle Obama has made childhood obesity a cause, so I know where they are coming from, although I think it is the conservatives who want this, to cut spending, although I am not sure, 3) country folk, who shop at country stores, buy a lot of these types of food, and store owners may suffer, because there are many poor people in the country, especially the south, and 4) sometimes it is enjoyable to eat so called junk food, such as potato chips or cheese doodles, and chocolate, which can be good for you, as well as Coca Cola. It was a pleasant surprise to me, to be able to buy such things as candy, like for Halloween. Life can be dull enough. Live dangerously, lol, although candy is not good for one's teeth, unless you brush them right after and still not so great, and although good chocolate has some health benefits, such as antioxidants, most candy is just junk. See more further down in this article.
Now, I will say why I think, perhaps this makes sense, and could possibly be a good thing: 1) Michelle Obama is right about the morbidity of childhood obesity. Empty calories cause fat cells in childhood, which can remain through adulthood, and obese or even overweight children and adults have a higher chance of getting diabetes and/ or high blood pressure, not to mention high cholesterol, the bad kind, 2) it could change the eating habits of Americans, including the poor, who may lack education, but food prices for healthy food are higher, so could they really get enough food? Look at how much more expensive a loaf of multi-grain bread is, compared to a loaf of white or low quality wheat bread, but I am going back to cons again. Sorry. 3) Perhaps it would cut pork, no pun intended, on a conservative level, and it could be a cruel to be kind maneuver, in that sense, because perhaps American eating habits on a massive scale could improve, but not without education. I can see where this would all be difficult, and I know how little food money people actually get to feed a family. Prices on good food, such as fresh fish, free range eggs, soy milk, fresh vegetables and fruit, would have to get lower, and you know as well as I, how expensive food is right now. It is outrageous, especially if you are trying to eat healthy at all, not to mention free swimming salmon and what not. I mean, get a reality check. Is this even available to the country living poor on any level? They do not even have this stuff! They do not even know about it. Do we have a Mother Teresa for poor Americans? No, of course not, not to be flippant. As wonderful and well meaning as Mrs. Obama, she has other things to do as first lady, and this is a huge country, the size of the whole continent of Australia, geographically.
That is really all I have to say about it. I had three reasons on both fronts. Tell me what you think. I added a picture of me having a decadent McDonald's frappe, so you will know that, although I try to eat healthy, I like a yummy treat just as much as anyone, if you get the point. Of course you cannot use food stamps in restaurants, bare in mind.