Many people in our society are very materialistic. I know it is nicer to have more than one bathroom, and nice to have a dishwasher. I have neither, but that is aside the point.
Back in the thirties and forties, it was common for a family of six to live in a small house with one bathroom, and for all the girls to share a room, and similarly boys.
If your kids grew up having less than some kids, you sometimes feel like a failure, even if getting ahead was impossible, or a divorce left you kind of screwed over.
I wish that love were more important than money. I mean it is, but not in most people's value system. Of course, if you have a lot of money, than I would say, 'more power to you.' Still, if you do not, it is hard to feel adequate.
In our economy, even with unemployment, etc., with all the clothing being made over seas, and with the prices down on a lot of things, even poor people can be almost like shopaholics, only buying cheap stuff. Am I making any sense?
Also, when you do not have a lot, money seems like more to you, than people who have tons of it. It is all relative.
I was watching the Suzie Ormond show one night. People were calling in, and asking financial advice. I could not get over how well off they were, most of them. Poor people do not even call into shows like that, because well... the reasons are obvious.
I do not like to talk money on the net too much, but why not, since I talk about every other touchy subject.
Truthfully, if I had any talking books left, and not all sent back to Columbia, I would be reading right now, rather than writing.
Also, in terms of values, romance is on top for a lot of people. It is like, if you do not find 'the one,' you are a big failure in that department as well. They say there is someone, even more than one person for everyone, but maybe there isn't. Maybe there
is not someone for everyone. I am not being negative, because that would be okay with me. I am just saying it, because many people never find anyone to share their life with, or never find the right person, or a relationship that is lasting. When I was younger, I had a shrink. When I would break up with someone, and be upset, he would say, "there are other fish in the sea."
Well, back then, there were, but not any longer. Oh well. It really is not important. That is what I am saying. Everyone does not have to live by society's dictates. I realize I am an eternal bohemian, because of my origins I suppose, but that is okay too. I do not have to fit into a mold.
I think being well off, is one of the biggest things, which people place value on. When I say people, I mean society. I know it would be great to be well off, but still it is not the most important thing. I am being redundant now, but it seems that people are spiritual posers, who really value money more than God, love, friendship, family. I really do. People kill over sex and money. I guess that is what I am getting at. On TV anyway, no one I know personally, lol.
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