What an insane world, where terrorists plant backpacks with bombs, injuring over a hundred people and killing three, including a child, maiming a child, and many others. They also assassinated a police officer. What an insane world where a guy gets terrorist information on a computer, with his wife and kid in the apartment, small apartment.
What a crazy, mixed up world, where a bill cannot even pass, that would require background checks on guns, when so many gun violence incidents occur, so often it seems, killing innocent kids at school, for crying out loud. For the love of God, what is happening?
I read a book about this Austrian guy, who imprisoned his own daughter for twenty four years, in a dungeon, where she had her own father's children, all alone. How sick is that? It was the incest case that shocked the whole world. The laws in Europe are lenient, but he fortunately for everyone else, got the strongest sentence, life in prison, and of course other prisoners hated him. They hate pedophiles in prison. In fact, most people hate pedophiles, because what they do is evil. He was so cruel. It is hard to believe his wife, her mother, did not know that while they and the other kids lived upstairs, Elizabeth was in a sound proof basement, with her children born from incest. Apparently, the mother was found innocent. He had told everyone that Elizabeth had run off with a cult, and they were only freed when her nineteen year old daughter, Kirstin, became extremely sick, and Elizabeth begged him to let her go to the hospital. He kept having Elizabeth write notes, in her own hand writing, backing his lies, that she had run off and joined a cult. It was only when Kirsten ended up deathly ill, in the hospital, that doctors got suspicious, demanded to see her mother, and called the police, who interrogated Elizabeth, and her father separately. She lied at first, and had stockholm syndrome, but when they told her that she never had to see her father again, she told them everything.
She and her children were treated for mental and physical ailments, at the Mayo Clinic, and they thrived. She had been very strong, and had taken really good care of the children. She disowned her mother for a while, but eventually forgave her. There is no indication that, Rosemary, her mother, who lived upstairs with the other children, Elizabeth's siblings, and the three that Fritzl, the father, brought upstairs, had any knowledge that they were down in a dungeon, which he told everyone, including tenants he had, to stay away from, and had totally soundproofed. Elizabeth and her children had had to dig out other rooms, when she had asked for more space, so the kids would not see him having sex with her. He used tapes of Elizabeth's voice from a payphone, to call Rosemary, and say that she was abandoning another child from the cult.
He was a complete pathological liar, and sex offender, had even served time for a rape, which is not a long time there, like it is here in The States, fifteen years here, only a few months there. He was a monster, to say the least, and disgustingly sleazy, described in the captions, as being in a leopard speedo, on
the beach, in Thailand. Yuck!
While he was gone, anything could have happened to Elizabeth and her children, who never saw daylight, or had fresh air, had severe vitamin D deficiencies, tooth decay, infections, etc., were never able to see a doctor or dentist, while he was off on vacations, because no one knew they were down there, and they could have starved. They never got enough oxygen. In fact, every detective, who investigated the dungeon, had to have trauma counseling, after going through there. Musty objects, from the dungeon, were passed around for the jury to see, feel, and smell. They also showed the jury a video of Elizabeth telling the whole horrible story, starting with being raped by her father, at age eleven. The jury had to take breaks from watching it, because it was so traumatic and disturbing. Of course, they had had Elizabeth record this bit by bit, as well, to save her from the trauma of it. I think she may have healed, to some degree, she got a settlement, and she is said to be living with her boyfriend now, who was her bodyguard. They became very famous in Austria. The house even became a place of sight seeing, but they moved out of that house. Even Rosemary moved out, but she had some financial problems, unlike Elizabeth, who was okay financially, because Fritzl had gotten them millions of dollars, in debt. What a wasted piece of space he was, to say the least, the scum of the earth.
Finally free, Elizabeth and the children were able to get the medical care they needed. There were eight children, including twins, one of which died, and Fritzl had put in the incinerator, and got no medical help for, so all in all there were seven, or six, I cannot remember, because he brought some upstairs, at various times, pretending they had been abandoned by Elizabeth, who had (falsely been said to have) allegedly run off to a cult. He was so evil and conniving.
Elizabeth and the children were given new Social Security numbers, as well as names to protect their identity.
Now, these girls in Ohio, are finally free after ten years, in captivity, and that is being investigated. Like Fritzl, the man who held those girls, acted normal, worked and interacted with the community. What an awful world.
After reading the book about the Austrian story, I became a little paranoid, like if I saw a man, when I was out walking, I got scared, and ran away, or walked fast, terrified of being kidnapped or something.
I know these are not pleasant things to think about, but they happen. I realize this is no new humanity, and that is my point. These are terrible times. If I were to just write about peace, love, joy, yoga, meditation, A Course in Miracles, Meher Baba, religion and philosophy, I would not be addressing the horror of our times, which have been occurring. Some people do not read or watch the news, or read books like the ones I sometimes do, but what is the point in putting one's head in the sand? I feel that Elizabeth and her children's story ends on a positive note, as I hope is the case with the girls in Ohio, the young women and the child. People are resilient, and the strength of victims should be an inspiration to others. Their power was taken away, but they took their power back!!! At a certain point in time, they got an opportunity, although brain washed and victims of stockholm syndrome, knowing nothing else, to take their power back, and come free, come back to the world.
Anyone, who has been a victim of rape or any type of sexual abuse, in any way, or of any kind, has to heal from that. I cannot even imagine what these people go through after years of this, and it is not just girls, but boys too.
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