I am thinking about the Boston Marathon bombing, what was meant to be a joyous occasion, turning to tragedy, because of two terrorist psychopaths.
It was similar on the tragic 911, in that the people of New York, first responders, and just citizens in general, helped people, much to the risk of themselves.
I remember 911 so well, and just kept crying when I watched the news. I even cried when Congress stood up and sang God Bless America.
I have been following the Boston incident, the coverage on television, CNN. I am impressed with the compassion, that people responded with, like soldiers on a battle field.
I have been amazed at the courage and will to live, of the surviving injured people. It is heartbreaking, and yet love and goodness prevail over evil. Love always trumps evil, even if it seems the opposite. The light is real. Darkness, the absence of light is nonexistent, although it does much harm.
This blog is about the raising of collective consciousness as a whole. That is why it is called The New Humanity. There is a growing new humanity, and it is not just the young people. People my age are expanding their horizons, and becoming more loving, or trying to be. I did not get into new age stuff, such as Tolle, Chopra, A Course in Miracles, meditation and yoga, as well as becoming a Reiki Master, until my forties, when I was searching. I had Baba, Meher Baba, but growing up in a Baba family, with parents who met and followed him, I felt a need to find answers of my own, and yet nothing I have found contradicts His teachings.
My only limitation, that I personally had, with Baba, was that I tried too hard to be spiritual, which was unrealistic for me, and I put too many demands on myself, but I vowed now not to talk about my personal life on my blog, due to some weird cyber bullying, I received.
The other limitation for me, was that meditation and yoga, a path I truly needed for my mental and physical well being, had not been stressed in Meher Baba's teachings, basically just loving Him. I needed the discipline, personally, and I did not need the pretense that some people seem to embrace.
I watched on Youtube, Joan Baez singing at one of her concerts, in Germany, a few years ago, Donna Donna, (a Yiddish folk song, which talks about cattle bound for market, but is actually a metaphor for the Jews being taken to the concentration camps by the Nazis, during the holocaust, when they were piled into trains. How the Winds are Laughing, they laugh with all there might... represents the Nazis, and the cattle represent the Jews: on a wagon bound for market there's a calf with a mournful eye, the swallow, so proud and free... winging swiftly through the sky..., represents the people, gentiles for example, not going to the camps, who are free.) Everyone in the audience is singing along, and know all the words to it, by heart. This is very touching, and when I sing this song, myself, I cannot keep from crying, for that reason. Once again, love prevails. Only love exists, and the people regret what happened, and like slavery in The States, no one now need feel to blame for what happened long ago, but what is amazing and beautiful is the reverence, the remembrance.
There was a famous author who would walk through Auschwitz, as it is today, a Jewish writer, and Oprah walked with him there, and he said, "this is a holy place. I feel the holiness, because of the great suffering that occurred here."
I am sorry that Boylston Street in Boston, is now a place where great suffering has occurred.
In my book American Boys, I think the point is that light and love trump darkness. It is a story about love, sacrifice, patriotism, hardship, dreams coming true, tragedy, the meaning of living in America, the consequences of war, which devastate two families, in the story, as well as many others.
I am sending love to all those around the world, who want peace, who fight for justice, and I am proud to be an American, and I appreciate all the people in other countries, who care about America, as well as Americans.
We need to keep the Boston Marathon victims in our hearts and in our prayers. They have a long road ahead, and a lot of healing still to come. Much love to all.
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ReplyDeleteThank you, but to be honest, I looked at yours, and it is really nice, but I find evangelical Christianity to be closed minded. If you follow mine, I might consider, but it needs to go both ways, you know? Namaste, my higher self sends salutations to your own.