Saturday, May 11, 2013

Here is How to Read 'American Boys' Beginning to End Online: I Will Tell You and More About the Process

     I am still editing and revising my novel, American Boys.  Last night, I was up late, sitting on my bed, writing on my laptop, editing chapters, until my back ached.
     Here is how to read it: go to this blog,, or google my name, my blog and the name of the book, or enter my new humanity blog through facebook.  Go back to 2012, starting with January,  The chapters will be dispersed through every month, including June, where Adrien's Story, which proceeds chapter nine, is for now placed, because that is when it was written, and is the only chapter without a number.  There is an introduction and addendum, but I am still planning to write a complete epilogue, when I have some uninterrupted time.
     I write for two reasons, I enjoy it, and I am trying to make a statement, and I hope that my book really means something.  
     Last night, I openly discussed my book, with my son David, and admitted that my character, Daniel, was supposed to be him, but not exactly.  I told his friend, Patrick, who was present as well, that one of my characters reminded me of him, and others matched other friends of David's, and Nicolas is a little like Ted, my older son, even though in the book Nicolas is younger than Daniel.
     I talked to the kids, young men I mean, about the book, the characters, and I asked David and Patrick both, being musicians in totally different genres, if the musical ideas in my book were possible.  Patrick thought so, and David tried it out on guitar, but David did not get why, if Daniel is supposed to be him, why Daniel didn't sing, since David is a singer, so I edited my book, the chapter about Adrien's funeral, and I made Daniel a singer.  I also changed Adrien's favorite song, which Daniel played at his military funeral, from Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin, to Wishing You Were Here by Pink Floyd.  I was thinking Stairway to Heaven represented dying, but Patrick agreed that Wishing You Were Here worked for that as well.  At first, truthfully, David said, "can't he have a better favorite song than, Stairway to Heaven?"
     So, even though it is implied that everything is working out just dandy, I decided to catch things up, like I did in chapter 8.  
     As I went back to work on chapter 12, I realized that I needed to go more into Lizzy's inner life, and how Adrien's death brought her to a new understanding and depth.
     I think there is a turning point for everyone, and all relationships.  For example, Nicolas's turning point is his friendship with Sky, having a friend, which he longed so much for.  Daniel's is getting to know his grandparents, going to college, and falling in love for the first time, with a girl who loves him back, and understands his eye disease.
     Lizzy's parents, Jack and Tara White have a turning point by accepting Lizzy and their grandchildren back into their life, after years of estrangement, helping Daniel go to school, and accepting their differences with Lizzy.
     Lizzy's turning point is the realization that she wants to be with Jim, and not Charlie, the realization that alcohol is a crutch for her, that she is too wrapped up in herself, that she has the ability and compassion to do for others more, besides her own family, that others have it hard too, and the realization that she ought to be close to her parents again.
     Last but not least, Adrien, who is the only character in the entire book, that I write in first person.  He is writing his diary, in Iraq, and he is so unhappy, struggling and homesick.  His demise is heartbreaking, shattering, and somehow I think that even he feels it coming.  I do not know why.  He does not say that - well all I can say is read it, if you have time, and tell me what you think.  Eventually, I hope to get someone to actually help me edit this book, but for now, it is what it is.

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