Monday, February 25, 2013

How Currant Values of Society Can Make one Question one's Worth

     Many people in our society are very materialistic.  I know it is nicer to have more than one bathroom, and nice to have a dishwasher.  I have neither, but that is aside the point.
     Back in the thirties and forties, it was common for a family of six to live in a small house with one bathroom, and for all the girls to share a room, and similarly boys.  
     If your kids grew up having less than some kids, you sometimes feel like a failure, even if getting ahead was impossible, or a divorce left you kind of screwed over.
     I wish that love were more important than money.  I mean it is, but not in most people's value system.  Of course, if you have a lot of money, than I would say, 'more power to you.'  Still, if you do not, it is hard to feel adequate.  
     In our economy, even with unemployment, etc., with all the clothing being made over seas, and with the prices down on a lot of things, even poor people can be almost like shopaholics, only buying cheap stuff.  Am I making any sense? 
     Also, when you do not have a lot, money seems like more to you, than people who have tons of it.  It is all relative.
     I was watching the Suzie Ormond show one night.  People were calling in, and asking financial advice.  I could not get over how well off they were, most of them.  Poor people do not even call into shows like that, because well...  the reasons are obvious.
     I do not like to talk money on the net too much, but why not, since I talk about every other touchy subject.
     Truthfully, if I had any talking books left, and not all sent back to Columbia, I would be reading right now, rather than writing.
     Also, in terms of values, romance is on top for a lot of people.  It is like, if you do not find 'the one,' you are a big failure in that department as well.  They say there is someone, even more than one person for everyone, but maybe there isn't.  Maybe there
is not someone for everyone.  I am not being negative, because that would be okay with me.  I am just saying it, because many people never find anyone to share their life with, or never find the right person, or a relationship that is lasting.  When I was younger, I had a shrink.  When I would break up with someone, and be upset, he would say, "there are other fish in the sea."
Well, back then, there were, but not any longer.  Oh well.  It really is not important.  That is what I am saying.  Everyone does not have to live by society's dictates.  I realize I am an eternal bohemian, because of my origins I suppose, but that is okay too.  I do not have to fit into a mold.
     I think being well off, is one of the biggest things, which people place value on. When I say people, I mean society.  I know it would be great to be well off, but still it is not the most important thing.  I am being redundant now, but it seems that people are spiritual posers, who really value money more than God, love, friendship, family.  I really do.  People kill over sex and money.  I guess that is what I am getting at.  On TV anyway, no one I know personally, lol.

Interesting Facts on WWII

     Some surprising new facts about WWII, have now come to my attention.  Recently, I read some historical fiction, read aloud by the author, Elizabeth Berg, Dream When You're Feeling Blue.  The WWII soldiers were writing letters back home, and they, the Americans I mean, sounded much like my war story character, Adrien and his experience in Iraq, which I researched.
     Of course, we all know that WWII was fought for good reason, at least our side.  I recently learned that Australia, that tried to stay neutral, ended up involved as well, on our side of course.
     With all its military spending, war is still as rough as it ever was, for lack of a better word, timelessly scary, violent, hostile and without luxury to say the least, in the roughest conditions.  The drone strikes, new technology, are another story, but very cruel in that they kill and mame the innocent, not just bad guys.  In fact, they probably kill many more innocent, including kids, as you have probably seen pictures posted by activists on facebook.
     I had always thought that only the Japanese were interned in the U.S. by F.D.R., during WWII.  However, I was discussing this with my brother, who sent me a link that it was also Germans, then later another link about Italian internment as well.  Of course, these were not concentration camps, like overseas, but they were not great, of course.  They could be with their family, go to war, if you want to call that a privilege.  I suppose it is.   However, it seems that there was a lot of hatred towards the Japanese, even American Japanese veterans, unfortunately, here in the States.
     Also, another point of interest, is that the CIA brought certain Nazi scientists to the states, to live on a base, imprisoned but with good conditions, family and all they needed, to build and design rockets, etc..
     Although Russia has always been one of our great allies, like England, the U.S. has been in much competition with them, and although the Cold War was long, long ago, the early sixties, Mitt Romney was acting like they were still a threat.  
     A guy once told me, and he may be wrong, that we never went to the moon, just filmed all that in New Mexico or something, at night.  I said, "what was the point in that?"  I do not necessarily believe this.  I just wondered what would be to gain from that.
     He said, "they wanted Russia to waste money doing the same thing."  This does not make a lot of sense to me.  It is kind of funny though.

Monday, February 18, 2013

This Too Shall Pass

     I have read somewhere, that depression could be holding onto a false belief.  Also, someone wise, once said to me, "all suffering is caused by lies you tell yourself."  For example, how you see yourself in the mirror, may not be accurate.  You can be seeing a negative or false version, of who you are.
     I think that acceptance is the key, although I know this is not an original concept.  Still, sometimes life really gives you a shake up.  One minute, one thing is happening, and then the next another, seemingly and accurately out of your control.  That has been going on with me, in my life, with my 'peops,' anyway, and I have been easily agitated, exhausted, annoyed, exasperated, anxious, but only for short spurts, which I quickly make myself snap out of, by either rearranging, cleaning, grocery shopping, etc..  In AA, they call it 'irritable and discontent' or 'halt,' which means hungry, angry, lonely, tired.  And, ironically, it also means what it says, "halt."  Just 'halt' and take it easy, relax, stop, slow down, cool it, chill, say the serenity prayer, anything but wig out.
     I suppose one can always wig out, and I guarantee I have done plenty of that in my life, but I know now, that is not going to help me or anyone.
     Most sensitive people go through the same stuff, and maybe almost all people, except maybe sociopaths, which I do not really understand, but most normal people go through a certain amount of normal crap.  I know 'normal' is a weird word, like 'what is normal?,' but there must be some sort of norm, although there is no special ruler to measure it in degrees or anything.  
     Sometimes, life is so damn frustrating, and the people who we are supposed to feel unconditional love from, we don't, and yet maybe that is just a feeling.  That is another AA slogan, 'feelings are not facts,' but they are not, so just because I feel rejected and unloved by someone close to me, does not mean I am.  Just because I feel burdened and stressed out, perhaps I am, but maybe I need to slow down, chill and take it easy.  Maybe I do not have to prove my worth so much.  Perhaps, after being on this earth a half a century, I can stop expecting perfection from myself.  I have made mistakes, I know, but so have most people, and I am sorry, but I cannot do any better than this, now.  And, most of all I need to cut myself some slack, and stop being as Meher Baba said in Lord Meher Volumes 14 and 15, "depressed about my depression."  He said, "don't be depressed about your depression.  It came to you unasked.  It will go away.  Love for God alone, counts...," etc..  I cannot quote it exactly, and there is more, but that is the major part of it, the idea, anyhow.
     I guess, the idea is not to worry so much.  Things change.  Life is hard.  Nothing stays the same.  This too shall pass, I guess.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Abraham Lincoln was a Great President

     I did not go see Lincoln, since CNN said it was not a good source of American History.  However, I did see the Bin Laden movie, and am now reading a book on that subject.  I will get back to you on comparisons, where that is concerned, if either can be trusted truly.  But, after finishing the very long biography, With Malice toward None: A Life of Abraham Lincoln by Stephen B. Oates, I am very, very touched at what a beautiful man Abraham Lincoln was, and Mary Lincoln, a jealous, emotional, but very smart and inwardly beautiful woman, as well.
     I had been historically snobby, but I was really coming from a place of more ignorance than I would like to admit, due to intellectual cynicism, which lacks true research, just jargon and hearsay, which is not fair.  Abraham Lincoln really was for emancipation of slavery, saving the union, and Mary's best friend was African American.  Mary did much to help the black people as well.
     I guess I had not given Lincoln biographies a fair chance in the past, because the talk in the beginning among politicians, sounded racist by today's standards, but I have to say Lincoln was anything but racist.
     I found it funny that General Grant would go to battle drunk.  He was very grieved by Lincoln's assassination, as were everyone, especially Mary.  They had been through so much with the death of one of their three sons, when he was just a child.
     Now, I guess I better knock out this Manhunt... by Peter L. Bergen, on the other subject.  Then maybe on to some entertaining fiction again.  By the way, I use this picture of me for historical and political articles, because it is the closest I have to looking 'professorial.'  LOL