Many people in this world are really mean, hiding the meanness behind pretentious niceness, which sometimes leads to out and out rudeness. This is passive aggressive behavior.
People who practice this type of communication usually have low opinions of themselves, pretending they are someone important in some way or another.
They want others to feel less than, to make themselves feel better than. They cannot accept another, another's achievements, because everything is about them.
How do I know this? I encounter people like this in my life from time to time, and I know from the type of people who do this, that these people are extremely insecure, afraid and full of self-doubt.
My son wrote a song called, 'Lesser Me You Gain.' I asked him what it was about, and he said it was about "people putting you down, pretending to give advice, only to elevate themselves and make you feel inferior." I know both sides, like the Joni Mitchell song, Both Sides Now, "I've looked at life from both sides now..."
I have been accused of making someone feel bad to elevate myself, but at the time, I had no idea what this person was talking about, and I think if I did say something to hurt someone's feelings, it was innocent and never my intention in any way.
So many people are on ego trips of one kind or another. I realize perhaps I want to be an intellectual 'giant,' lol, but whether or not that would ever be, I know I am a writer and a musician, with no reservation. Ego does not exist in true art, confidence, not self consciousness.
Be brave, be strong, 'toot your own horn' and do not let anyone keep you down. Take heed from mentors like President Obama, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, Emily Dickinson, Gandhi, Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Vincent van Gogh, Ann Frank, Winston Churchill, Stephen Biko, Nelson Mandela, William Wallace, Lyn Ott, Jesus Christ, Meher Baba, Dalai Lama and/or anyone who inspires you.
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