Friday, October 26, 2012

Don't Let Romney Win the Election/ One Last Shot

     I and other Obama supporters, are a bit concerned now that Romney is ahead and it is very tied, except with Hispanics and I am not certain of the percentage with African Americans.
     All I know is I cannot stand to see a guy elected who just weeks ago called half of America, victims and freeloaders who feel entitled to housing and food and won't take personal responsibility, off the record, recorded by Jimmy Carter's grandson, who was a server at a banquet of Romney's rich fat cat peers he felt comfortable enough to say what he really thinks to.
     Paul Ryan is a complete fascist and totally scary with his extreme pro-life stand and talking on CSPAN about obliterating Medicaid, a program that provides health care to America's poorest, children, disabled and elderly.
     The Republican party failed to mention veterans at their convention, and when confronted, Mitt Romney said he was not going to bring up a 'laundry list.'  Mr. Romney, veterans are not a laundry list.
     Here is a candidate who wants to increase military spending by billions and declaring now he is for peace.  Do not believe him.
      They want to cut planned parenthood, contradicting not wanting abortions.  They want to cut PBS.  Now he says he will keep Medicaid, but give it to the states.  I was a bit confused by this, because I thought Medicaid was already handled by the individual states.
     Also, he wants to turn Medicare, Medicaid and the V.A. into voucher programs.  They would give a certain amount to the state, and have them handle it I suppose.
     If he were to 'undo' Obamacare, would that not cost millions and billions more in court costs, and be a waste of a lot of well thought, well needed plans?
     Alan, my friend, worked two jobs and had no health insurance.  I admit Alan was a conservative, and he probably believed in the 'tea party', although Alan believed in a safety net, something the new Republicans are doing away with it sounds like.  Alan was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer and worked til the bitter end almost.  He could not get Medicaid or disability, because he was working.  They even told him hospice was not available unless you had insurance, Medicaid or Medicare.  If Alan had had insurance, perhaps he could have seen a doctor sooner for a check up, and known how high his white blood cell count was.  Instead he was only given pain management and in the end his rent was payed by a charity at work for emergency cases.  He was sent home to die.
    Mitt Romney showed in the last debate that he has no foreign policy other than Obama's.  If Obama's foreign policy is so good, why should we risk a different president, one who is known to lie?
     Lastly there is the college financial aid program which would also be cut by the R/R plan.  Public schools would be ignored, and we would have a nation of uneducated people, a direction we are already going in.
     Romney has no regard or understanding for the poor, the middle class, the single mother, the disabled.  All he knows is riches, prestige and privilege and that is not the kind of president I want.  Do you?     

1 comment:

  1. Take heart, Leslie. From yesterday's NY Times:
    Romney by far has the tougher path to 270. And even if he wins, this world is "nothing into nothing." Do your best (which you have done) and leave the results to God.
