Friday, December 27, 2013

Have Family Values Died in This Country?/ Things Are at Their worst; People are More and More Selfish

     I was talking to a lady not much older than myself, forgotten and neglected by family, stuck in a nursing home, without hope, because of some bad luck.
     Families do not rally around for a family member who is disabled.  There are almost no family values left, and so many people have no one. 
     I am lucky to have my children, but if I were to get sick, I have no idea who would be there for me.  Many people have no one. I guess we have to trust God if we can still believe in Him.
     These are facts that I think are contributing to the falling apart of society.  1) The popular support group, Alanon, originally pertaining to alcoholism, the loved ones, started by Lois, the wife of Bill Wilson (author of the book, Alcoholics Anonymous, often called 'The Big Book'), has turned into a support group for anyone, even if it does not pertain to them.  They use it as a pass to do nothing for anyone, and to be totally selfish.  The idea is that just for today, I will take care of myself, a very good thing if used in the right context, but this pop-psychology has given many an excuse to just ignore anyone in need.  Yes, we do need to take care of ourselves, to not enable, and all that, but there is a joke even: what is a slip for an Alanon member?: a moment of compassion.  2) Our healthcare system is not better under Obama, but worse, and many of these new health care plans are bogus.  Medicare and Medicaid are taken by fewer and fewer doctors.  The liberals defend Obama, but this healthcare plan is not even what they wanted, and many of us, like me, only voted for him again out of fear of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, that they would make things even worse.  I believe they would have.  They wanted to destroy Medicaid, which would have put poor people in jeopardy and without medical transportation.  As Bill Clinton said so well, at the Democratic Convention, they think there is some alternate universe, where the poor and disabled, who rely on Medicaid, including children, either do not exist, or suddenly do not need this help.  I do not know what they were thinking.  Truthfully, I do not think they could have done that, with the poverty in rural states like South Carolina where I am from.  3) Churches do not reach out and support people in the way they should, not the disabled or elderly.
     The way things are now, the lower middle class and poor are barely surviving, and rich people are managing to get fraudulent Medicaid.  This only serves to take away from the people who really need it.  The poor are suffering in America with so called Obamacare.  The ones who are honestly trying to get insured, are often financially still unable to, because of the ones who should not really be on assistance.  I think the system is really messed up in a lot of ways.
     Why are so many people alone, forgotten, neglected, uncared for, and/ or homeless?  A friend of mine told me that three or four homeless people that live in her area, died this winter, out in California, due to exposure to the cold.  This is really sad when you think about it, and when you take a good long look at what America once was and was supposed to be about.  I realize this has been going on for a while now, but it should not be going on at all.

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