Thursday, May 23, 2013

Kids Should Have Had a Safe Room at School

     I was watching CNN last night, and this politician was excusing not having a safe room or basement at the school where seven children suffocated under the rubble of their school building in Oklahoma.
     He was saying they had already put a lot of money into the schools, putting in safe rooms, and they needed the money for home land security.  I find this a bit confusing.
     If you ever noticed, school teachers are usually Democrats, including Laura Bush, pre-George W. Bush.  I read her biography.
     It is not just the fact that teachers do not get payed well, (I used to be a teacher in the South Carolina public school system, a sub who gets payed even less, and does just as much work, fulfilling all duties of regular teachers, including, car rider patrol, bus patrol, walking kids across the street to daycare, first aid, special reading groups, P.E., Art, Music, etc., like being a jack of all trades, having to learn to teach seventh grade geometry in five minutes from a teacher manual, working with severe handicaps, such as cerebral palsy, pre-school blindness, you name it, not to mention fights between kids, discipline and diplomacy with parents, including a police man father who came to my homeroom to threaten or frighten a child who was picking on his, which was not allowed.)   It is also the fact that the school system does not have enough money.  Some right wing Republicans think the schools can do with very little.  South Carolina does not replace school buses, until they are fifteen years old, and then they buy used ones from other states, or get given them.  I guess this is alright as long as they are safe, but it is very fiscally conservative.  
     I tell everyone I am fiscally liberal, but this does not mean that I believe in Socialism, or that I believe in 'pork', wasteful spending.  However, I think the school should have had a safe room or basement, and if I were a politician, I would have been sorry about that, but this Republican congressman was not at all.  Perhaps, I am viewing his remarks wrong or taking it too personally and judging him, but that is just how it came across.  Cold, that is all I can say about it.  It was cold, and what about the parents who lost their beautiful nine year old
or eight year old kids in the rubble of the school?  Eight and nine is a very sweet age for kids, as well as any age.  Just my thoughts.  Thanks for reading.

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