Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Keeping Integrity

     Although it does not seem so to some, there is a right, and there is a wrong.  I am reading a murder mystery, which takes place in Venice.  A woman is talking to a lawyer, and she asks him, "if you could have prevented a crime, have you committed one, if you did nothing to stop it?"
     He says, "yes and no, ethically yes," and this is exactly what has been discussed on CNN.  If Tamarlan's wife had called the police, at least the officer would not have been shot, and although complete evidence has not been announced, because FBI are still questioning Kate Russell, mother of their three year old child, and much of it is probably being kept under the hush hush.  Still, I wonder if she knew what he was up to.  So, this is a very important question, posed by this character to the lawyer, in this novel I am listening to.
     There is a right, and there is a wrong.  We all know that fascism, Nazism, racism, terrorism, murder, stealing, cruelty, any type of abuse, from bullying to sexual abuse, to pedophilia, to any type of rape or torture, even towards terrorists, is wrong.  Cruelty to animals is a terrible thing, as well, of course, as all of us, animal lovers, well know.
     Well, apparently, the not so old, U.S. government seemed to think water boarding was okay, but now we know it is not, nor is any type of torture, one thing we can thank Obama for, although some people I know do not believe the government, but I am not a conspiracy theory believer.  I do not believe any of that 911 rhetoric, that some extreme liberals believe, and I find it offensive and un-American, something for which I do not, and will not ever be apologetic for.  In fact, I cannot stand hearing that stuff.
     Back to point, integrity is the important thing.  It is foremost in every facet of life.  Have I always had it, in every situation?  No, but when I haven't, it has only brought me to misery, lack of sleep, and truly being 'undone.'  
     For example, perhaps this belongs on my other blog, Sage Words, because that is where most of my relationship stuff, etc., goes and The New Humanity is my novel, poetry, religion, philosophy, art, politics, ethics, history, etc., but if you are in a relationship, romantically, and you want to end it, because another party is involved, like someone you think you would rather be with, for whatever reason, if you do not tell the person you do not want to be with any longer, the real reason, that there is someone else, you are doing them and yourself a disservice.  
     At the time, it may feel like you want to perpetuate that person's longing for you, because your ego might be getting off on it, especially if they treated you badly in the past, and you cannot believe how much he or she wants you, now that you no longer want him or her.  You may be savoring their heart broken feelings, as sick as that is, but not really because it is actually very painful to break a heart, because it can break your heart too.  Still, if you do not want to tell them that you really want to be with someone else, than it will just get messier.  Usually, if someone is intuitive, like I am, they will know instinctively, because they will feel it.  By withholding the information, to save face, is a big mistake, because it will 'undo' you, in the end.  I do not really engage in any of that these days, but I have been though it both ways.  The difference with me, is I will no longer waste my time, and I have some psychic ability, where I know if someone is seeing someone else, even if they are far away, but you know the signs.
     I think the reason why people have a hard time telling the truth, when it comes to being with someone else, or trying to be, is the realization that, doing that will really mean the end of things.  The person who finds out the truth, you think, may not see you as angelic anymore, but why do you have to be angelic?  I mean, what is the purpose for dragging it all out?  Sometimes, knowing you are with someone else, makes the last person want you more.  Sometimes, it is almost impossible to get rid of someone, and sometimes someone will keep wanting you, no matter what.  The point is, I think being honest always makes it easier.  
     I think one reason why some people do not tell the truth about that, is that they want a safety net, are co-dependent, want someone to fall back to, want their cake and eat it too, and are afraid of abandonment, so will go to any length to escape real or imagined abandonment, which is actually the definition, practically, or part of the definition for BPD, borderline personality disorder, a mental illness that can effect men and women both, but more often women.  It stems from a feeling of abandonment, starting in infancy, causing one to feel a fear of annihilation, exposure to the cold, and being left helpless, causing rage, and a propensity for drama, alcohol abuse, risky behavior, eating disorders, and/or other of several traits and behaviors, that can also resemble bipolar disorder or manic depression, which is why the two illnesses can be easily confused, because they are similar, but not exactly alike.  People can actually recover, and grow out of borderline personality, because it is not exactly a chemical disorder as much as other mental illnesses.  People with BPD are not 'bad people,' and they are very misunderstood.  People use the term borderline personality disorder in the wrong context.  I hear that from time to time, not so much as several years ago, when people were less informed.      
     But, I do not know how I got on the subject of mental illness.  I want to get back to the ethics and integrity subject, or morals if you will.
     Einstein said, "watching evil, and doing nothing is worse than evil, itself."  I think he is right, and so knowing that a crime is going to be committed and doing nothing, is really bad.  
     I feel like a lot of the news is crazy.  Truthfully, I felt the cop was acting fascist towards Reese Witherspoon.  I do not think she deserved to be arrested, no matter what anyone says.  Then, they go on and on about Chris, not sure how to spell his last name, the Republican politician, who lost weight.  I mean what does it matter, whether he lost weight for his health, his family, himself, or to run for any office including president?  If I could only drink a shot of something strong, for every time I hear about that.
     It is like how Andrew Young and John Edwards' staff, according to Young's book, drank a shot every time Edwards' said, "small town boy," or "coal miner's son."  Gees.  Oh, and of course, the John Mellencamp song, Small Town Boy, was playing every time he came out to campaign, requiring a shot of alcohol, as well.
     Wow, that was lack of integrity, and cheating. I did not vote yesterday, speaking of spousal cheating, not for 'Appalachian Trail' Mark Sanford, nor for Elizabeth Cobair Bushe, for South Carolina Congress, my reasons being something I would rather not get into.  
     Anyway, we are all living the new life, in one way or another, no one special, everyone special, some lucky, some not so lucky, no answers, nothing making sense.  Only faith, to grab onto.  They say, "faith without works is dead."  So, what do you do?  I say just putting one foot in front of the other, pulling up the big girl/boy pants, and keep on keeping on.  Be kind, when the opportunity arises, try to help if asked, be humble.  I don't know.  I guess, just trying to do the right thing, as best you can, is all you can do.  Most people are good, not all, most selfish, to some degree, and a little selfishness can be healthy for over doers, for others, boundaries.  I would like to drink a shot to toast boundaries.  Namaste.  Not really drinking shots, by the way, in case you were wondering, lol.

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