Thursday, May 23, 2013

Course in Miracles Play I Made Up Tonight After Going to My ACIM Class, Always an Inspiration

     The cast of characters: the ego, dressed in red, wearing a crown that says, "ego," atonement, which has a sign saying "atonement - separation never happened - forgiveness," the movie projector, wearing a sign saying "projector," rolling the movie onto the screen, a real screen on which the ego acts out with atonement, all kinds of drama, non specified actors, attacks, and there are two others, Jesus, who does not have a sign, but you will recognize Him, and the observer, who is not labeled either, but can be recognized eventually.  And finally, there is judgment, who wears a sign, saying judgement.  Attack also wears a sign that says attack.  Judgement and Attack are dressed in gray and black.  Jesus is dressed as Jesus would.  Atonement is dressed in white, but everyone dances, so they are dressed in dance attire.

            Scene One
Narrator: The ego is acting out the movie, the projector is placing on the screen.  The observer, the part of the self, that knows the difference between ego and love is the higher self, above the ego.  Atonement, oneness, forgiveness are the same, and Jesus, our brother is there all the time, but He observes, and is present, but does not speak.  

Ego: dancing against the screen to 'Baby Won't You Light My Fire' by the Doors, I am looking for someone to judge.  I'm bored.  I want something crazy to happen.  Music fades and changes, and the ego is dancing and singing along to 'I can't get no satisfaction' by the Rolling Stones.  Jesus is sitting serenely on the floor, not reacting.

Ego: What are you doing on my screen?!  This is my movie, didn't you know?  It's my drama!  Ego begins to cry, crying for love.

Observer: Why are you crying, Ego?  Love holds no grievances.  

Attack: enters stage, No, you will destroy me.  I feel separate, so separate.  Stop being serene, Observer!

Observer: This is who I am.  I am the light of the world.

Judgment: entering stage, You are so holier than though.  What is your problem, Observer?

Ego: Yeah, you will be the death of me, ya know.

Atonement: Ego, you had a tiny mad idea, you were never separate from God.  Here is your Brother, Jesus.  She points to Jesus, who smiles, and she and Jesus embrace.  Jesus stands and takes ego and observer's hands and they dance around in a circle, singing, 'I am the light of the world, I am the light of the world,' an original song.  A guitar player accompanies in the background or possibly where he/she can be seen, depending on director's creative license.  Everyone sits down in a circle.

Ego: But all this love is just not good enough.  I need some action.  I need some drama.

Attack: I'll show you action!  Show ya some drama as well.  I'll kick your ass, Ego.  Attack starts hitting Ego lightly, getting his attention.

Judgment: I think you're all freaking crazy.  There must be some way out of here.  Jimmi Hendrix version of 'All Along the Watchtower' by Bob Dillon starts playing.  They are all dancing until the song is over.

Atonement: If we want to get to heaven, and get out of here, we need to forgive, radical forgiveness, ya dig?

Observer: That's right.  I choose the peace of God.  God, let me see this differently.

Atonement: looking at Jesus, and touching his face gently, God is the light in which I see.

Ego: you guys are killing me, Man.  I mean I can't stand all this spirituality.  I just want to party and fight!

Judgement: That's because you are a generic bad person.

Observer: Generic bad person?  

Atonement: All is forgiven.  Separation from God never happened.  Love holds no grievances.  There is no bad person here.

Attack: This is such crap.  I need a drink.

Ego: Yeah, and a cigarette.  I need a girlfriend.  I need to validate myself.

Judgement: You are so nonspiritual.

Projector: In on the action now, I'll go out with you, Ego.  They kiss and make out. 

Ego: I love you.  You validate me.

Attack: You two make me sick!

Judgement: Yeah, get a room, you two.  

Ego: Wait, I hate you now.  Projector starts to leave.

Ego: Come back!  I hate you, but don't leave me!!!

Attack: Ego, you are so crazy!

Judgement: Yeah, you're screwed up, totally.

Atonement: Just forgive.  Only God, love, heaven and the Holy Spirit exist.  

Observer: Ego, Atonement is right.  Just let Projector go.  She might come around.  You know, there's other fish in the sea, and it is best to be serene and just let go.  Let go and let God.

Attack: You're all bloody mad!  I feel like I'm in a friggin' nut house.  You guys are major losers.

Projector sits next to Jesus, puts her head on His shoulder, with a serene smile, and holds His hand.  He leans His head back against hers.

Ego: crying, Oh, I miss projector... whining.  He sings 'Yesterday' by the Beetles.  There is a guitar accompanist.

Observer: Ego, you're going to be okay.  Stop all this whining.  I am sure maybe you and Projector can be very happy together, but we are all going to die one day, so you can't be so attached to everything.

Attack: What are you talking about?  Don't talk to Ego about dying.  He is very upset.

Judgement: It's your own damn fault, Ego.  You screwed up the relationship with your neediness.

Attack: Yeah, now you've blown it.  Projector will never come back now.

Ego: Oh, woe is me, I am just doomed.  I am so sad.  I wanted to be special.

Observer: That's the problem, Ego, 'specialness.'  No one can be more special than God, and you were making Projector your Higher Power.  He's your Higher Power.  She points to Jesus, and goes and leans her head on Jesus's other shoulder.

Atonement: Look, Ego, it's okay.  Projector has already forgiven you.  She found the peace of God.  Look at her.  She is so happy.  You are not really separate from God, either.

Attack: What?  Ego is just plain pathetic.  Just look at him.

Judgement: I just think you're all bloody crazy.  Get a grip.  Ego, your whole problem is you're a bloody idiot.  Look at you.  

Atonement: Ego, you are a child of God.  You are not really ego, though.  You and Projector are really one, and Observer too.  You are all one, and Jesus is one with you too. And, you are one with me as well, but you just don't know it yet, because you think you are just a body, but all that really is real is love, heaven, God, and the Holy Spirit thought system.  That is how it is.  Everything else is illusion.   Atonement is wearing a long, white robe, and spreads out her arms.

Ego: I am so confused.  This Course in Miracles stuff is confusing.  I feel like I'm in the land of Oz.  Or la la land, not sure which.

Attack and Judgement retreat, finally, and go sit down next to Jesus, Projector, and Observer.  They are looking down humbly, and Jesus is still holding Projector and Observer.  Judgement and Attack embrace Jesus, too.

Atonement: Well, it is like that, Ego.  It's just like the land of Oz.  Sock puppets.  Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.  She points to Jesus.  That's exactly what it is like.  You are attached to your body, because you think that is all you are, but you are more, and He is always walking and talking with you, every day, everywhere.

Observer gets up, and takes ego's hand, leads him over to Jesus.  They embrace.

Atonement: He's always with you, the light, the truth and the way.  Now you are the salt of the earth.  The light of the world.

Jesus: I am always with you.

Atonement goes and sits next to the others on the edge of the stage on the floor.  Guitar music and singing original song in background.  Lights go out.

Lights on at the end, everyone bows, holding hands.

At final curtain call, engineers and musicians join, director, etc., join as well for final bow.

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